Displays a leaderboard of the guesses and the ratios
sev leaderboard
The help command returns a link to this website.
sev help
The ping command will return a message which, when the ping finishes will be edited to include the ms.
sev ping
Used to add or retrieve quotes.
Check out quotes for the correct id for specific quotes.
Add quotes
sev quote add <@user> <quote> Ex: sev quote add @sjampi hurr durr i am sjampi
Get quotes
Quote by User: sev quote get <@user> Quote by ID: sev quote get 2 Random Quote: sev quote get any Ex: sev quote get @sjami Latest Quote: sev quote latest any Latest Quote specific person: sev quote latest @Swagtag
Google for Sjampi
Use this to make an easy link for Sjampi when he asks something stupid that he easily could have googled himself.
sev gfs <search terms> Ex: sev gfs is sjampi an idiot?
Starts a guessing mini game
sev guess
Command to gamble an amount of sevtims between 1-10.000
sev gamble 10
Command to gamble an amount of sevtims between 1-10.000
sev gamble 10
– v2.0
- Added the guessing command.
- Guessing now tracks your correct/incorrect guesses.
- Guess command now tells you the correct author when it times out.
- Guess now closes when a new guess starts.
- Added a leaderboard command to check the guessing leaderboard.
– v1.2
- Added gambling
- Removed the daily command as it was deprecated, you now get daily sevtims whenever you send your first message after your daily cooldown expired.
– v1.1.2
- Added the command bad furry
– v1.1.1
- Now returns error message when ID input is incorrect :))))
– v1.1
- You can now get quotes by ID.
- A new quote page has been added where you can see an overview of the quotes so you can find the correct it check it out!
– v1.0.2
- The bot now has 10% chance to mock sjampi. (down from 100%)
– v1.0.1
- It is now possible to use the prefix Sev instead of sev.
– v1.0
- Ability to mock Sjampi
- Abilty to add and retrieve quotes
- Ability to google for sjampi
- Ability to ping the bot
- Bot now removes it’s own messages when sjampi deletes his message that the bot replied to
The bot passively mocks Sjampi by reposting his message where every other character is capitalized.
Users gain daily sevtims when they send a message in any channel that the bot has access to.
sev daily